Click for Tartu, Estonia Forecast

esmaspäev, oktoober 04, 2004



Last Tuesday I began my second course in Estonian. This one is web based and each week I am given a series of assignments to complete, some of which are posted in a forum for others in the class to read and comment on. It is already challenging me, but also helping me to remember what I learned in my first class. Hopefully, by the time this ends in December, I will feel much more comfortable with everyday Estonian.

So what do you know about Estonian and Estonia? Here's an article that gives you a brief background on Eesti keelt. And go here if you want to have fun finding Estonian for words you know. You can also learn about Estonian folk culture by poking around the Estonian National Museum web page (click the "continue" button, then check all of the different links on the left sidebar to discover more than you ever thought you could learn). Hope you enjoy your virtual visit to Estonia as much as we love it here!

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