Click for Tartu, Estonia Forecast

neljapäev, november 25, 2004


Thanksgiving Day

We had a great Thanksgiving Day! We got together with other Americans for a dinner and enjoyed all the traditional fixings: turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and on and on. People had been planning for this day for a while, so whenever someone went to America, they brought back things for the meal you couldn't get in Estonia.

The meal was originally going to be held in someone's home, but then more and more people said they would come (some from over an hour away), so that there were over 50 in attendance! The meal ended up taking place at the Baptist chruch down the street from us. The room was decorated beautifully, and we had such a good time sharing food with one another, meeting new people, talking with the friends we have made, and hearing each person share the things they were thankful for. The children also sang several songs, which was a real treat, and all of us sang some Thanksgiving-related hymns together (in English!).

It was incredible the abundance of food we had. Every family contributed some portion of the meal, and despite the large numbers, we had leftovers. We brought vegetables and dip, chocolate cream pie, drinks, and mashed potatoes (Evelyn pealed 8 kg of potatoes--nearly 18 pounds!).

We are so thankful for the time we had today. We missed our families and the time we might have spent with them today, but God has provided a new family and shown us again that Estonia is truly home.

This Christmas season we will be praying for a different family member each day (to keep it simple, we are going alphabetically). Today we pray for Abigail Clark--"She was an intelligent and beautiful woman."--1 Samuel 25:3

Happy Thanksgiving!

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