Click for Tartu, Estonia Forecast

pühapäev, jaanuar 02, 2005



Tonight we spent time with our people, The Salvation Army's people.

Our friend Leho Paldre, the pastor of Kolgata (Calvary) Baptist Church, invited us to join him when he visited the local homeless shelter. A woman from his church prepares meals to bring there every Sunday evening, and he occasionally does a service for the people there. He thought we might be interested, and we jumped at the chance.

The shelter is run by the city of Tartu and is housed in the basement of a large apartment building. We had been told by people at the mayor's office that the place "wasn't fit for animals," but to be honest, I've seen worse in America. I saw the men's dorm room (they also house women), and it had 25 or so beds tightly packed in, so certainly not the best conditions, but the place was clean and the people seemed to be well taken care of.

We met in the dining room and Leho led a song and then introduced me and Evelyn. She told a bit about who we are, then I shared a brief devotional based on 1 John 4:9-10, and John 3:16. Leho translated for us, and I'm sure enhanced my devotional as he did! Then the ladies served the meal (a typical Estonian potato-based dish) and we were able to visit with the folks.

What was amazing to me is that these could have been the people we served in Chester. They looked just like the homeless friends we came to love there, so we immediately felt a kinship to the people here. Being a novelty act as Americans in funny uniforms, they were interested in talking to us, but they also were willing to talk about spiritual things, which I think Leho found surprising. Based on past experience, I was not surprised at all.

It was frustrating that I wanted to speak with some of the men as they ate, but was not able to very much because of my limited Estonian and their limited English. I still had some good laughs with some of the guys, though, as much about my Estonian as the things we were able to communicate to one another. Evelyn was definitely in her element and was generous with hugs (very American; not very Estonian). We didn't go there for selfish reasons, but it sure felt good to be among these people. It is just another example to me of how God is leading us to know people, more than to "programs." Knowing that this woman does meals every week, we hope to visit this place regularly.

I'm sure someday soon we will learn why these folks are homeless and the social ills that may need to be addressed. Tonight, I'm just happy I came to know these people.

Godspeed in the work you are doing in Estonia! It is so good to hear of another testimony of God prepares people for a future place in a former place!
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