Click for Tartu, Estonia Forecast

neljapäev, veebruar 10, 2005


Random Thoughts

Tomorrow Chris and I will go to Tallinn for the next Mission Team rehearsal. This was so important to Chris that we planned our time in America to fit between the first and second rehearsals!

It really is a joy to be involved with the young people here. They have such a genuine sense of enthusiasm, and they all work together amazingly well. Being with them is an encouragement to me! I think giving these young people the tools and the training--and ultimately the opportunity--to reach other young people will open up a whole new world to them, as well as bring their generation to Christ. The potential here is great, so I ask that you pray for the Mission Team as they prepare for outreach.

I really feel like we are back to work in Estonia now with this rehearsal on Friday night and Saturday, then on Sunday we will go to Narva to do the Sunday meetings. Plus on Saturday night we will attend the Going Up youth event here in Tartu. It is great to be back in the swing of things!

The biggest challenge now is finally overcoming jet lag. Peter has still been waking up for several hours in the middle of the night, so Evelyn or I have taken turns staying up with him, but it can be exhausting the next day. Evelyn said I fell asleep during our family prayer time tonight, but I don't believer her. I am being optimistic about tonight, though, because we intentionally woke Peter up earlier today and didn't let his naps go so long (I feel like such a bad parent) hoping that it will help him sleep at night. It may work because he fell asleep around 30 minutes ago, where he used to conk out at around 7:00 p.m. and wake up again at midnight. The real test will come after midnight tonight!

I feel like these are random thoughts spilling from an over-tired mind, so I'll close by saying that I know many of you have been praying for us as we return to life here, and God has been faithful. Thank you for your part in bringing us back safely to the place we know God wants us to be.

Tonight we prayed for my brother's oldest son, Adam Clark.

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