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kolmapäev, aprill 27, 2005



So I'm almost done reading this book called Catholic Christianity, and it has been fascinating for me! Please get a copy if you can because it is truly worthwhile!

One thing it has done is made me feel even more secure in my own beliefs as a Salvationist, including our position on the sacraments (we don't practice them).

Before too many more days go by, though, I wanted to bring up this question from the ArmyBarmy Blog:
Saturday, April 23, 2005
April 22, 2005.Greetings in Jesus' name, friends.My astute friend , in discussing those of us (Salvos) who dilute our prophetic testimony to the rest of the Body, and noting that we are not historic protestants (descending, as we are, from the Anglicans), wondered if they (the diluters) were connys or trannys (substantiation). Good question. I'd like to hear answers (

Hmm. Always something to think about from those folks! (Glad I'm not a diluter!)


Hi- thanks for the plug. I was happy to note tonight in reading that I didn't make up the prophetic stance bit- I read in a footnote of Major Harold HIll's Clericalisation book that it came up in a 1960 issue of THE OFFICER.
Much grace
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