Click for Tartu, Estonia Forecast

kolmapäev, aprill 20, 2005



It's funny: as we go through this time of transition getting back on Estonian time, the world around us is also in transition. As we drove back to Tartu on Monday, we could see that spring was about to begin. The snow was all melted, the sun was shining, the temperature was nice, and the trees--although still bare--seemed ready to break out in new growth. Then this morning when I woke up it was snowing, and some of it was even sticking. Spring is having a tough time making the transition so far, and so are we.

Of course, it doesn't help that Peter is sick now. He was up off and on getting sick until after 3:00 a.m., which didn't help me and Evelyn getting our schedules onto Estonian time. Elizabeth couldn't fall asleep either; I think the last time I saw her was around 1:00. But she got up at 10:30, which is a little better than the day before.

I feel like we have so much to do now that we are back, but it is so hard to focus on anything but getting on schedule here. Just like spring, we are having a transition with stops and starts, but I have faith that we will get back to normal.

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