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laupäev, mai 14, 2005


Disappointment with God

Today we went to Narva for a Home League rally, and on the way there and back I read almost all of Philip Yancey's Disappointment with God. I have started it a couple times before, but never got very far into it. Now that my mother has died, I have a different incentive (besides just that I have heard that it is a good book!) to read it.

"All the reasons for disappointment with God ... all cancers, all deaths, all broken relationships, all the collected groanings of our savage planet -- all these imperfections will be wiped away. We may at times question God's wisdom and lose patience with His timetable.... But all the prophets' lavish promises will someday come true, and we, you and I, are the ones selected to help bring that about." (chapter 23, "A Role in the Cosmos")

We heard today from Isaiah 41:10 --
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

It is a hard weekend for me; last weekend was Mother's Day and next weekend would have been my mother's 65th birthday.

We know that in all things, God works with those who love Him to bring about what is good (Jim Knaggs paraphrase).


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