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pühapäev, jaanuar 22, 2006


Please pray for Chris

Chris wrote on his blog: "I want you guys to pray for me. Because you know pity never did anyone much good, but prayer is quite a different story. So if you guys can just pray I survive until April (that's my goal) then I will be most grateful. Thank you everyone."

We're all feeling pretty stir-crazy with cabin fever. This is really our first full winter in Estonia, because a year ago we went to America to see my mother before she died.


Hey Evelyn!
I had to leave a comment. Not only because I will pray but also because I know what that "stir crazy" feeling feels like. My heart goes out to your whole family. I have counted days and months before and God has a way of making it come quickly when we least expect it. Kind of like the phrase " A watched pot never boils".
I hope we can get together with you when you get back. We would love to hear all you have to share face to face!
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