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esmaspäev, jaanuar 23, 2006


The Point

Yesterday after church we celebrated the birthday of Kunnar, one of our friends from the shelter who regularly attends our Sunday services. It was a fun time for us all, and it reminded me of the close fellowship that we have with the people we know here. (see the pictures below)

This has been a time of financial and personnel uncertainty for the Army in Estonia, which has had its effect on me as well. Since the plans for the homeless day center fell apart and we had a few other setbacks, there have been times when I have asked myself why we are even here. Is it really making any difference, is it worthwhile? Then I look at these people, youth and adults, who we meet with every week. It is not a big group; only a handful really. But there is something happening in their lives because The Salvation Army is here, and there are good things happening in my life because I know them. It is not anything big or grand--no great program changing the world--but it is something.

Last Sunday, we were at the homeless shelter, where we do a worship program every Sunday night before a faithful saint from the Baptist church serves them a meal. We sang a few songs together and I shared from scripture. Then while the people ate, as usual we chatted with them for quite a while. After we left, Maret (our new Junior Soldier who translates for us), said to me, "I think my favorite part of coming here isn't the singing or the preaching, but just talking with the people."

That's really the point of anything we do here--connecting with people. It is so encouraging to see that she gets it, as I think most of the others in our little group do as well. It was a reminder that I really needed right now.

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