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pühapäev, märts 05, 2006


Our Homeless Friends

As usual, I led a worship program at the homeless shelter tonight. Where usually we will have 20 or more for the program and meal, with others milling about in the hallways and rooms, tonight we had only 12, and there were few others to be seen. But as I lead the worship, I could hear people screaming at one another from the drunk room, a place adjacent to the regular shelter rooms where they put people who are too inebriated to have a regular bed.

Like in America, it is just after the first of the month, and many of our regular friends were out drinking with their government money. Ülle, who regularly attends our Sunday worship and who recently found an apartment after six years at the shelter, told me today that she was worried about Taisi (another of our homeless friends who faithfully comes to the corps), because she feared that she had been out drinking too much and hadn't even made it back to the shelter lately.

It breaks our hearts to see people caught in such destructive cycles. These are people who are disregarded by much of society here, but when you get to know them you find that they are incredibly perceptive and good people. But they don't always see the value in their own lives, and so they drown it in alcohol.

Please pray for Ülle, Taisi, Kunnar and our other homeless friends. Please pray that God will help to break the grip of alcoholism on their lives so that they can truly experience freedom in their lives. We have come to love these people and on days like this, have a sense (be it ever so minute in comparison) to the pain God feels as He sees them struggle.

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