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teisipäev, märts 14, 2006


Police Report

Today was especially hard for me because I went to the police station to complete the official report. As part of the report, I gave the names and contact information for several of the boys who may have been involved or at least know who was involved. It was difficult because I have tried to build a relationship of trust with them, and now I am sending the police to their doors. It is such a tension: what does it mean to demonstrate Christian love to them and yet also show that stealing is wrong and has consequences? I really hope I am doing the right think here.

One thing we discovered today was that they also took our school bag that had all of our Estonian language books and notes for the class we are taking at the university. Although this doesn't have much monetary value, it has huge personal and emotional value. I think we are feeling this loss greater than any other item.

Today I have been thinking hard about how this event can be used in a redemptive way. I am praying that God can use this and our response to it to bring others to Christ. Please pray that we will be sensitive to His leading and humble enough to do whatever it takes to demonstrate His love in this time. We care so much about these boys, and they have so clearly demonstrated their need for Christ. Pray that God's love will break through.

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