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esmaspäev, aprill 10, 2006


Modesto Manifesto

In November, 1948, while Billy Graham was holding evangelistic meetings in Modesto, California, he met with Cliff Barrows, George Beverly Shea, and Grady Wilson to determine how they would conduct themselves and their meetings in order to be completely above reproach. The resulting "Modesto Manifesto," while not written down as a formal document, is the standard for accountability that the Team has followed ever since.
The following resolutions could be applied to the life and ministry of any Christian:
It was resolved that no communications to media and to the Church would be inflated or exaggerated. The size of crowds and number of inquirers would not be embellished for the sake of making the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association look better.
It was resolved that financial matters would be submitted to a board of directors for review and facilitation of expenditures. Every local Crusade would maintain a policy of "open books" and publish a record of where and how monies were spent.
It was resolved that members of the Team would pay close attention to avoiding temptation-never being alone with another woman, remaining accountable to one another. Wives would be kept informed of activities on the road in order to help the wives feel a part of the Crusades.
It was resolved that members of the Team were never to speak negatively of another Christian minister, regardless of his denominational affiliation or differing theological views and practices. The mission of evangelism included strengthening the Body of Christ as well as building it.

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