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kolmapäev, aprill 12, 2006


what our homeless friends need most: "look them in the eyes, smile"

"Here's something to try if you want to stretch in the area of giving: Suppose you pass a homeless man everyday on your way to work. Maybe he's sitting on the sidewalk, or standing at a stoplight holding a tattered, hand-lettered sign. This week, rather than averting your eyes and walking past quickly, plan ahead. Take a shopping bag and fill it with granola bars, juice bottles, fruit, nuts or other snacks. If you live in a cold climate, throw in a pair of warm gloves and a hat. Add some fast-food or other restaurant gift certificates, or bus tokens. Then, when you see that person, stop, look them in the eyes, smile and hand them the bag. Don't preach them a sermon. And don't tell anyone what you have done."
The Power of Hidden Disciplines

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